Brrr! 5 Reasons Your Furnace Could Blow Cold Air
When a furnace in Ashland, VA, blows cold instead of hot air, its hardware may need maintenance or repair. Here are five reasons you furnace could blow cold air and what you can do to restore your home comfort during the fall and winter.
Wrong Thermostat Setting
Your heating system will generate cold air if you don’t adjust the thermostat to the correct setting. A thermostat for a furnace has an Auto mode and an On setting. If a furnace runs while a thermostat is set to the On setting, a fan will blow. The fan will only produce mild air if the heating system has a mechanical issue.
Dirty or Clogged Air Filter
The air filters for your heater can impact its heating capability if it’s dirty or clogged. A furnace needs proper airflow o produce heat. Therefore, if a clogged or dirty air filter restricts airflow, other parts of the heater will malfunction, such as the burners.
During a heating cycle, the burners interact with the filtration system. When airflow isn’t consistent or is restricted, a furnace’s safety mechanism will trigger to shut off every burner. If this is the reason your furnace blows cold air, check your unit’s safety mechanism. It’ll deactivate the burners if your furnace overheats.
Ignition Problems
A furnace won’t produce any heat if it has an ignition problem. Ignition maintenance is a job for a professional service technician. When a furnace’s ignition has malfunctioned, a service technician can repair it so that it can light again.
Gas Supply Issues
A basic gas supply issue is easy to resolve. If the lack of gas is causing heating problems, the gas supply is probably partially or completely turned off.
Damaged Ductwork
In some cases, the hot air from a furnace will turn cold before it reaches spaces in a home. This happens when the ducts have leaks that require repair.
If you need help correcting a heat-related problem that’s affecting your furnace, contact Atlantic Shores Heating and Cooling to set up an appointment for maintenance. Our maintenance tactics can increase your furnace’s efficiency and lower its energy costs.
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